<h1>WHAT IS A BLOCKCHAIN?</h1> <p>A blockchain is a digital &amp; decentralized ledger that records transactions in a transparent, immutable &amp; chronological order. Imagine it as a ledger in a hospital. This ledger is not kept in one room but duplicated &amp; stored in many rooms across the hospital. Each page of this ledger is called a BLOCK and it contains information on all the patients in the hospital. If someone tries to tamper with a patient&rsquo;s information, like changing the type of treatment they got, all the copies of the ledger in the different rooms would disagree, and it would be clear that something is not right. A blockchain is a super secure ledger that is duplicated &amp; distributed across the Internet, making it hard for anyone to manipulate transaction records. These ledgers are being watched &amp; looked after by validators.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;Decentralized&quot; refers to a network in which control, decision-making, and data are distributed across multiple participants or nodes, rather than being concentrated in a single central authority.</p> </blockquote> <h1>WHO ARE VALIDATORS?</h1> <p>Validators are individuals who play a role in validating transactions, maintaining integrity &amp; ensuring the security of a blockchain. How these validators validate transactions is based on the CONSENSUS MECHANISM of the blockchain</p> <h1>WHAT IS A CONSENSUS MECHANISM?</h1> <p>A consensus mechanism is a system put in place in a blockchain that ensures all nodes(validators) in a decentralized network agree on what transactions to validate and the order in which they are being recorded in the blockchain. It is the rules validators have to follow in order to validate transactions</p> <p><a href="https://mrgalvathron.medium.com/what-is-a-blockchain-62b283569c61"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blockchain