What Happens When the Rich Abandon the Hot, Dangerous Places?

<p>To clearly understand what it going on with the climate in your region, and to understand how it may impact your life choices, next week, next season, and in the years to come, it helps to conduct a thought experiment, one that, with the help of AI, could become a powerful tool for both scientists and ordinary citizens.</p> <p>Humans excel at something called pattern recognition, seeing patterns in apparent chaos. The problem is that we tend to see the patterns that we want rather than those that are actually forming. In climate, we see this when we hear the inevitable man on the street quotes like those gathered in the news after disasters like Hurricane Idalia or the Lahaina fires.</p> <p>They typically come in two categories:</p> <p><em>&ldquo;I never thought it would happen to me (us, my town, etc.)&rdquo;</em></p> <p>And</p> <p><em>&ldquo;We are definitely going to bounce back and rebuild&rdquo;.</em></p> <p>The latter often comes from a local politician. Both are the result of wishful thinking in many cases, or as I like to call it, magical thinking. A bit of science might help see the actual pattern.</p> <p>Our society gathers an enormous amount of data about almost everything we do, in close to real time, but it is not what data analysts call &lsquo;normalized&rsquo; or data made to conform to a standard (disclaimer, I am neither a data analyst or a scientist, just an observer).</p> <p><a href="https://martinedic.medium.com/what-happens-when-the-rich-abandon-the-hot-dangerous-places-d652fc33109e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>