What does the future hold for UX researchers?
<h2>We’re living in uncertain times but there’s hope</h2>
<p>The years 2022–2023 brought immense pressure and uncertainty for many tech employees who lost their jobs, many of them were UX researchers. With this uncertainty, it’s sometimes hard to stay positive, and it definitely triggers a lot of self-reflection and attempts to understand “What’s next?” for those of us who chose this career path.</p>
<p>First, let me tell you that you’re not alone.<br />
Based on recent conversations I’ve had, many professionals who work in UX research ask themselves if they should change careers, or just rebrand themselves as professionals who can do more than just UX research.</p>
<p>This article’s purpose is to give you some clarity about possible and plausible scenarios for the UX research profession in the next few years. I used my strategic foresight and future-thinking skills and did a thorough analysis to get these results.</p>
<p>Let me emphasize one more thing.<br />
I’m not trying to predict the future. All this article is doing is exploring possibilities for the development of the UX research professional space based on some signals and drivers I collected over the course of the last months while giving everyone some hope and positive vibes.</p>
<p>Let’s face it.<br />
After all, we all need some positivity in our lives right now.</p>
<h2>My Method</h2>
<p>I borrowed a few methods from a field called <a href="https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/future-thinking-and-design-thinking-simply-explained-d65716d67651" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Futures Thinking</a> (you can refer to <a href="https://medium.com/user-experience-design-1/the-role-of-generative-ai-in-speculative-design-and-futures-thinking-3a45cc75dbde" rel="noopener">one of my past articles</a> to see some other examples of use cases of Futures Thinking in design work). More specifically, I used a method called <a href="https://www.futuresplatform.com/blog/what-strategic-foresight" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Strategic Foresight</a> that can help us come up with potential future scenarios.</p>
<p><a href="https://uxdesign.cc/what-does-the-future-hold-for-ux-researchers-c5db375a4d3e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>