What 50+ ML Interviews (as an Interviewer) Have Taught Me

<p>If you thought facing a technical interview is hard, try conducting an interview. I&rsquo;m not talking about the awkward interviewers who left a scathing impression, watching you condescendingly, while you&rsquo;re wishing for the pain to end. I&rsquo;m talking about interviewers that have left a positive impression you cherish.</p> <p>Doing an interview is a huge responsibility. You are the gatekeeper for someone&rsquo;s career. So you must do everything in your capacity to do them as much justice as you can.</p> <p>All of the points I&rsquo;m going to be mentioning revolve around one key value:</p> <blockquote> <p>Empathy!</p> </blockquote> <p>If you&rsquo;ve mastered empathy, you probably don&rsquo;t even need to read this. Everything I talk about here are my personal thoughts and opinions and do not reflect the view of my employer.</p> <blockquote> <p>For context, I&rsquo;m a machine learning engineer and these are technical or coding interviews I&rsquo;m talking about.</p> </blockquote> <p>After reading this article, you&rsquo;ll (hopefully) take away a few lessons that will make you a better interviewer, who leaves a positive lasting impression on the candidates (regardless of the outcome).</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/what-50-ml-interviews-as-an-interviewer-have-taught-me-6a72f7344eb1">Visit Now</a></p>