Indigenous Peoples in the West and the West Bank.

<p>At some point during the Great Sioux War in 1876&ndash;77, a bunch of Sioux chieftains, including Crazy Horse, sat down with representatives of the U.S. Army to discuss a treaty that would cede the Black Hills to the United States in return for lands surrounding the Hills to be controlled by the Sioux.</p> <p>The meeting broke up without any agreement, and when Crazy Horse returned to his camp, some of his braves told him that they had heard he was willing to make a deal with the Army which wasn&rsquo;t particularly good news.</p> <p>Crazy Horse denied any such thoughts or behavior and went on to command his warrior band until he was captured on September 4, 1877, stuck into a cell, and killed while attempting to escape the next day.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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