The Social Justice Curriculum at Wellcome Collection
<p><strong>The Social Justice Curriculum</strong> is a significant personal, professional and collective learning journey that is co-designed with external professionals, internal stakeholders and our Advisory Group. The Curriculum enables staff to better understand what being anti-racist & anti-ableist means (in theory and in practice) to their work and our organisation through supported learning. It is an iterative process and will continue to evolve over time.</p>
<h1><strong>What are the barriers to inclusive practice?</strong></h1>
<p>In October 2019, we commissioned ‘Person Centred Design for Inclusive Practices’ to understand why if the majority of Wellcome Collection staff are well intentioned, well meaning, mostly university educated and good people, we are still a predominantly white and non-disabled staff? In March 2020, we got the report which highlighted specific needs for the organisation such as</p>
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