My Weird Green Christmas: How to be Green and Save Money

<p>A few years ago I was challenged by an environmentalist to write a piece on how I live a more environmentally friendly Christmas. These are my tips!</p> <p><strong>Christmas gifts</strong><br /> In an effort to be &lsquo;green&rsquo;, economical and imaginative at Christmas, many of our presents come from charity shops, often &lsquo;like new&rsquo;, but for a fraction of the cost and recycled. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a good motto to remember.</p> <p><strong>Christmas decorations</strong><br /> I used to visit this huge retail warehouse where the isles and isles of Christmas decorations seemed a bit crazy. At home, our Christmas decorations are 30 years old. They come out every year and will continue to do so. Where&rsquo;s the demand for all these new decorations come from? It seems that many people throw their decorations away every year. What a shame. Ours go back into the loft for next year.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>