10 weird and wonderful Archie Sonic stories that hold up today

<p>In my recent&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@ponett/i-read-every-sonic-comic-by-ken-penders-and-theyre-wilder-than-you-could-ever-imagine-1f9dd05ae433" rel="noopener">retrospective on Ken Penders&rsquo; run on Archie&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Sonic the Hedgehog&nbsp;</em>and its spinoffs</a>, I was very negative, because reading his comics is often a nightmare. But Ken wasn&rsquo;t the only writer, and focusing exclusively on him doesn&rsquo;t paint a full picture of the series.</p> <p>In this shorter followup, I&rsquo;d like to highlight ten stories that stood out to me in the much-maligned first thirteen years of the series. Most readers will tell you to skip to&nbsp;<em>Sonic&nbsp;</em>#160, when the reigns were handed to the ever-popular creative duo of Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley (who are still doing phenomenal&nbsp;<em>Sonic&nbsp;</em>work at IDW today). But thanks to stories like these, I&rsquo;m glad I gave the earlier issues a fair shake.</p> <h1>1. Mecha Madness</h1> <p><em>Sonic #39 and Sonic &amp; Knuckles: Mecha Madness Special. Writer: Michael Gallagher, Penciler: Pat Spaziante</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*D344kjJgsUxMD7Md5EWstQ.png" style="height:537px; width:700px" /></p> <p>If there&rsquo;s one story arc everyone remembers as being cool as hell from early Archie&nbsp;<em>Sonic,&nbsp;</em>it&rsquo;s &ldquo;Mecha Madness.&rdquo;</p> <p>The story goes like this: A couple issues prior, the Freedom Fighters had invented a gizmo that could allow a Mobian to retain their free will when roboticized. Thus, Sonic had an idea: why not stick one of these gadgets on his person, let Robotnik turn him into a robot, and then use his new super-strong robot powers to finally beat Robotnik once and for all?</p> <p><a href="https://ponett.medium.com/10-weird-and-wonderful-archie-sonic-stories-that-hold-up-today-44df6d3a2fcb"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>