Things Are Going to Get Weird

<p>You are standing at the front of the room, leading a writing warm up to a class of thirty-six fifteen-year-olds who run the gamut of locked-in to fully asleep to grinning at their phone to raising a hand to go the bathroom because &ldquo;they locked the bathroom by the lunch room&rdquo; to drawing on their desk to sitting at your desk because they &ldquo;need to talk as soon as you&rsquo;re done&rdquo; to writing down the prompt &mdash; the one part you asked them not to write &mdash; to filling up the bottom of the first page because &ldquo;I&rsquo;m just a writer and I can&rsquo;t stop myself and also I have another poem to show you.&rdquo; But you. The teacher. You see all of that and really you just see the fifteen-year-old kid standing in the doorway, eyes dim, heart-broken. And you see him walk over to the girl who broke her foot playing volleyball (&ldquo;Miss Dion, I cried and cried when the doctor told me it was broken. And then she started crying. And we all cried. It was a mess.&rdquo;) You see him go up to this girl and she rolls him the mobility scooter she&rsquo;s been using and you see him casually grab the foam covered handlebars and kneel one leg on the seat, and use his other foot to just&hellip; push off &mdash;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: weird