You Don’t Have to Diet Until You Die (or, Some Thoughts on Weight Watchers)

<p>Weight Watchers&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">recently acquired</a>&nbsp;the telehealth company Sequence, allowing them effectively to prescribe weight-loss drugs like Ozempic to their members. Talk about being on the wrong side of history &mdash; body liberation is the future.</p> <p>I suppose there&rsquo;s something refreshing about the acquisition, though it will cause incalculable harm. It means they&rsquo;ve given up the charade, or are at least allowing us to see the stage makeup and costuming. In 2018, Weight Watchers rebranded as &ldquo;WW,&rdquo; declaring themselves a &ldquo;lifestyle&rdquo; instead of a diet. They crowed about their &ldquo;new purpose.&rdquo; The emphasis was off weight, they said, and it was all about &ldquo;wellness&rdquo; instead. Every dieter I know (most of whom are former chronic dieters) saw right through that cynical, corporate switcheroo; it was as transparent as Kentucky Fried Chicken becoming KFC. It&rsquo;s still fried chicken. It&rsquo;s still a diet. A rose by any other name, you know?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>