Who Do You Think You Are?

<p><em>Put as abstract questions about independent self-essence or existence, these philosophical questions can seem impersonal and academic. They certainly can be, but one way to see their importance beyond philosophical theory is to remember that these issues also apply to you. You, the person currently reading this sentence.</em></p> <p><em>In the same way that there isn&rsquo;t really a pile, there isn&rsquo;t really a you. If all things are essentially relational, one of those things is you. These aren&rsquo;t merely questions about how the world out there works, they&rsquo;re also about you and what kind of thing you are.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/perennial/who-do-you-think-you-are-1520831d204d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Reflection