Weekend Walk After Sunset, Deep In The Country

<p>What the hell are you doing at a crossroads deep in the countryside, almost sunset in winter ? How did you get there ? You escaped Paris and suddenly you&rsquo;re walking everywhere. You have to &mdash; no car. What self-respecting city type has one ? You walk the crease at the side of the road, surprised how often pull people over even if you never put your thumb out. You&rsquo;re in&nbsp;<em>la France Profonde</em>, strange territory, anti-Paris. (You&rsquo;ve already walked by one of those famous little picket signs, &lsquo;Now Leaving France.&rsquo; Entering where ?)</p> <p>Only out for a short stroll you tell yourself, but you&rsquo;re dressed warmly. It&rsquo;s only going to get colder. You said, &lsquo;Won&rsquo;t be gone long,&rsquo; to the other member of the party, grabbing your phone just in case. (Your phone which has no coverage out here in the sticks but you never go anywhere without it. Just in case.) The days are short, sun down at something like 5:22 in the afternoon, and there you are, heading into the unknown when it catches you unprepared. You spin around, just to check your options.</p> <p><a href="https://graja22.medium.com/weekend-walk-after-sunset-deep-in-the-country-e7881b0caf92"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Weekend Walk