The Wedding Speech.

<p>I had the great pleasure of attending many weddings of my friends and family in the past year and a few of them had bestowed a great honor upon me by allowing me to speak at their wedding.</p> <p>I have been asked by many folks to share the wedding speech I gave at a friend&rsquo;s Walima and I have tried my best to transcribe it below for anyone who would like to read.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m not exactly sure why so many have wanted to read it, however I think cause they thought I was nuts for trying to explain post modernism during a wedding speech. Anyways, here goes.</p> <p>Please note that this was spoken word and not writing and so there were points at which I stopped, took a breath, or elongated. At times I also ad libbed a few things and so these things are not in the text below.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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