WebExpo 2023

<h1>Speakers are just people</h1> <p>Main takeaway from my time with the international speakers &mdash; we all feel a little &ldquo;fake it til you make it&rdquo;. All making last minute adjustments to our slides and practicing one (or three) last time(s) in our hotel rooms. You might not guess that from the impression we give on stage, or on paper. Why is that important? It means no one should be afraid to apply to speak, too. It was a very humble group. From the most well-known to those speaking for the first time, 100% of the speakers were down to earth, friendly, and excited to be there.</p> <p><a href="https://yaelbendavid.medium.com/webexpo-2023-8181850e1450"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: WebExpo 2023