HashKey Group teams up with Beosin to advance virtual asset security practices within the Web3 ecosystem

<p><strong>HONG KONG, 11 May, 2023</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Blockchain security company Beosin and virtual asset financial services house HashKey Group, have formally established a strategic partnership. Both firms will cooperate closely in various areas of virtual assets including ecosystem security, anti-money laundering and cutting-edge security technology research. Both sides will also jointly develop comprehensive security standards and solutions to contribute to the continued growth of Web3 ecological compliance and regulatory innovation.</p> <p><strong>HashKey Group</strong>&nbsp;is an end-to-end digital asset financial services group in Asia with headquarters in Hong Kong and operations in Singapore and Japan. They offer a wide range of new investment opportunities and solutions for large enterprise institutions, family offices, funds, professional and qualified investors in the virtual asset and blockchain ecosystem.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/hashkey-group/hashkey-group-teams-up-with-beosin-to-advance-virtual-asset-security-practices-in-web3-77d4c35e37d4"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Web3 Ecosystem