The Devil Wears Prada: The Beast Always Wins

<p>When I say, &ldquo;The Devil Wears Prada&rdquo;, you say, &ldquo;greasy cheese sandwiches, dreamy-eyed men in Paris and monochromatic brown outfits&rdquo;. It&rsquo;s one of my comfort films. Perfect for the winter, when all you want is a well-known script and glimpses of Stanley Tucci&rsquo;s bald head.</p> <p>I recently saw clips of the masterpiece, and you know what that means; I have thoughts. In my opinion, The Devil Wears Prada was not a story of feminist triumph or a celebration of integrity. Rather, it provides a subtle yet ominous reminder that even when we think we have subverted Goliath, the beast always wins.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wears Prada