Wearing VS. Styling; The art of making fashion your own.

<p>Fashion is a powerful means of self-expression, and it encompasses two essential aspects: wearing and styling. While these terms might seem interchangeable, they carry distinct meanings and play unique roles in the world of fashion. Wearing refers to the act of putting on clothing and accessories to cover our bodies and protect us from the elements. At its core, wearing is about functionality and utility. We choose our clothing based on practical considerations like weather, comfort, and occasion. Wearing serves as the foundation of fashion, as without this fundamental step, there would be no canvas upon which to build a style. However, wearing doesn&rsquo;t exist in a vacuum; it forms the base upon which the art of styling is constructed. The clothes we wear create the initial impression, but it&rsquo;s in the realm of styling that we truly breathe life into our fashion choices.</p> <p><a href="https://thefashiontalker.medium.com/wearing-vs-styling-the-art-of-making-fashion-your-own-cbebd96d2f10"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>