Why do Danes Wear Black?

<p>Wearing black is not a phenomena unique to Copenhagen &mdash; individuals across the globe wear black. But it&rsquo;s become somewhat of an essential&nbsp;<em>adjective</em>&nbsp;when someone describes Copenhagen, especially when you&rsquo;re trying to capture the essence of the crowd. And there&rsquo;s a reason why. On a given morning or 4pm afternoon in Copenhagen, when traffic is the greatest especially around the central area, I feel like I&rsquo;m literally being swept up by waves of Danes dressed in black. Black trench coats, black skin-tight pants, black beanies, black sneakers, black baggy sweaters &mdash; it&rsquo;s astonishing and quite fantastic. Of course not literally every single human of the city wears black at all waking moments. From time to time you may spot individuals donning a shade of blue or grey, and a brave soul in red. But on the whole the color black persists. So the question arises &mdash; why exactly do so many Danes (atleast the ones in Copenhagen) wear black?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@iwasGrace/why-do-danes-wear-black-5107836ac323"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wear Black