6 “Ultimate” Weapons in Gaming Not Worth Your Time

<p>The quest for an almighty video game weapon is a journey that we gamers know all too well.</p> <p>If there&rsquo;s a big bad invading the land, there&rsquo;s bound to be a Master Sword, a Bow of Light, or an oversized foam finger readily available to defeat your foes.</p> <p>It doesn&rsquo;t matter what the weapon is, what matters is, what power the weapon holds.</p> <p>Brandishing such weapons of power can make for some of the best moments in gaming, as you now can defeat enemies with ease, and overthrow bosses without any manic button bashing.</p> <p>Then again, not all &ldquo;Ultimate&rdquo; video game weapons are worth the time, effort or stress to unlock. As whether through severe nerfing, awful placement, or downright useless abilities some of these supposedly mighty items end up being nothing more than a waste of your time!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dave-ambrose/6-ultimate-weapons-in-gaming-not-worth-your-time-da37117ec53f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Weapons Gaming