The Wealthiest Millionaire I Know Is Rich and Always 3 Weeks Away. Want to Be Him?

<p>I kid you not.</p> <p>His calendar is stacked to the brim.</p> <p>Reaching him&nbsp;<em>today</em>&nbsp;is an impossible task.</p> <p>Today is&nbsp;<strong>[always]</strong>&nbsp;3 weeks away. And his mobile line is handled by a personal assistant.</p> <p>Jenson&rsquo;s wife speaks to Margaret, too. No exemptions.</p> <p>I mean, this guy has my respect. 100% of it. He has his balls on the wall, so to speak. He works hard.</p> <p>Each time we get to speak, he would,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>