How can you find the center of mass of a water molecule?

<p>In science, center of mass is an important point with respect to an object. It is defined as an exclusive point for a mass that is occupying space or distributed in space, such that the weighted relative position of its distributed mass adds up to zero. This is also called as the balance point of the object. In physics, it can be explained as that point, where on application of force, will result in a linear acceleration but with no angular acceleration. This implies that there will be no angular movement of the body. This is an imaginary point at which the entire mass of the object under consideration can be thought as concentrated. In the case of a single rigid frame, this center of mass is static in relation to the body itself. If the rigid body possesses a uniform density, then center of mass will be positioned at the centroid. However, this is not necessarily true for all the bodies as the center of mass can also lie outside the body.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Water Molecule