The Washington Post

<p>Let&rsquo;s talk about opioid pills, shall we? As I was on the hunt for a link of the week to present to my class, I stumbled upon a chain of several articles that have to do with overdoses and prescription opioid pills.</p> <p>To begin, I wanted to state that I think that it&rsquo;s smart to have a chain of articles on the same topic. If you&rsquo;re interested in that topic, you can read and learn more. This &lsquo;strategy&rsquo; can also result in more viewers, because it subtly leads people to the next article &mdash; especially if there are links to the next article in the original article.</p> <p>This is what I noticed the Washington Post did recently. When I mean &ldquo;recently&rdquo; it was published in the second week of September. Give me a break would ya!?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>