Hackers & Lawyers: Rule-Benders, Problem-Solvers, and Desk Warriors Unite

<h1>Expertise in rules for going around them</h1> <p>Both lawyers and hackers are masters of rules &mdash; but not just for following them. Lawyers interpret laws to find creative solutions for their clients, while hackers understand systems inside-out to spot vulnerabilities. Both are essentially looking for loopholes, be it in a law or a computer system.</p> <h1>Solving complicated problems</h1> <p>The lifeblood of both professions is problem-solving. Got accused of a crime you didn&rsquo;t commit? A lawyer will dig through legal texts and precedents to build your defense. Is your computer system like Swiss cheese, full of holes? A hacker will identify those vulnerabilities and figure out how to patch them up. Both are like professional puzzle-solvers but in different domains.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@katebovk/hackers-lawyers-rule-benders-problem-solvers-and-desk-warriors-unite-38762c1691fb"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Warriors Unite