Warning Signs The U.S. Is Heading Into a Hard Recession

<p>If you watch the mainstream financial media, it is awash with the term &lsquo;soft landing&rsquo; when it comes to a recession. Like many things these days, soft landing is being used as a euphemism for &lsquo;no recession&rsquo;.</p> <p>Other times you are seeing bolder headlines which directly say &lsquo;no recession&rsquo;.</p> <p>But that&rsquo;s not the reality for millions of people across the United States (Not to mention Canada and most of the EU). Eggs can be $6&ndash;$8 a dozen in Alabama, in Texas where there are cattle ranchers galore, a steak at the local grocery store is $10&ndash;30, depending on the cut. This is just the grocery bill. When it comes to mortgage payments, the average payment has&nbsp;<a href="https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/03/fed-rate-hikes-higher-mortgage-payments-00095156#:~:text=Mortgage%20rates%20have%20more%20than,in%20the%20middle%2030%20percent." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">increased by 50%</a>&nbsp;since January 2022.</p> <p>But I&rsquo;m preaching to the choir. If we&rsquo;re not in a recession now, I&rsquo;d hate to see what it&rsquo;s like when it finally happens.</p> <p>However, if what the mainstream financial media is saying is true, then Uncle Sam has got his hands on the economic scales. There will be some intervention somewhere &mdash; and it&rsquo;s probably a bit disguised.</p> <p>Recessions don&rsquo;t happen because the Fed or the government want them to. They happen because banks and businesses don&rsquo;t feel comfortable taking risks in either lending their money, or spending their money. If spending goes down, tax revenue goes down. Then its more difficult for the government to provide services. So why not tell a little white lie to hopefully get people to start spending again?</p> <p>It is important to stay ahead of these things so that you can better prepare yourself and your family for any economic headwinds.</p> <p><a href="https://martinknapp.medium.com/warning-signs-the-u-s-is-heading-into-a-hard-recession-d4ad029748f7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Signs Warning