Wall Street Literally Owns the Country. Do You Accept This?

<p>2015&ndash;11TH ANNUAL MONETARY REFORM CONFERENCE, SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN MONETARY INSTITUTE<br /> The conference brings together some of the world&rsquo;s most serious advocates of real and achievable monetary reforms.&nbsp;<a href="http://www.monetary.org/2015-ami-monetary-reform-conference" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.monetary.org/2015-ami-monetary-reform-conference</a><br /> &ldquo;The banking disaster, created and facilitated by false economic and monetary ideas, used by some very bad people, actually poses a real danger to the survival of the species. We must transform the ongoing disaster into an opportunity to achieve real and lasting monetary reforms for mankind. These are the reforms indicated as necessary by decades of study and centuries of experience&hellip;<br /> &ldquo;The main cause of the problem is using debt in place of money when the banks make loans, as our present system does. That single error, allowing banks to control our money system, promoted by those really trying to block monetary reform, and by some economics professors trying to keep their salary checks coming, is all it takes to wreck any monetary system, and begin the insane concentration of wealth, into exactly the wrong hands, as we now see in our society! The conference shows why money must be created by our government and spent into circulation on infrastructure, healthcare, and education. The conference highlights recent important moves in that direction by key people, and institutions, around the world.<br /> &ldquo;We have a once in several generations&rsquo; opportunity to fix an obviously flawed money system that is causing so much pain and hardship among a growing section of our people. It is clearly time to fix our monetary and banking system! Come and find out how, and the role you can play in that process.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://survivingtomorrow.org/wall-street-literally-owns-the-country-do-you-accept-this-bef8a29e9085"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Wall Street