A Rainy Night Walk in Tokyo

<p>You step out from under the awning of your hotel building onto the side pavement, and into the rain with your umbrella out. The raindrops hit the plastic of your umbrella with a kind of muted splash, and trail down along the curvature of the umbrella until it reaches the edge and then just drip to the ground. You join the crowd headed down the street, a parade of transparent umbrellas through the streets of Tokyo.</p> <p>Above the bobbing heads of the umbrellas are the lighted nameboards of shops, billboards and neon-light signs, all towering over the streets of Tokyo like the Heavens themselves. They reflect against the plastic of the umbrellas, the store-front glasses and the rain puddles along the road, pretty lights of blue, pink and white.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/promptly-written/a-rainy-night-walk-in-tokyo-fc5141fe25a3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Walk Tokyo