Indonesian VP Candidates’ Debate Analysis: Idealism vs. Delusion Utopianism vs. Anti-Oligarchs

<p>Gibran initiated a shift by expressing his vision and mission, which I was certain would impress young voters. He introduced numerous terms highly familiar in the tech sphere, such as&nbsp;<em>cybersecurity, crypto,</em>&nbsp;and<em>&nbsp;blockchains.</em>&nbsp;<strong>However, this &lsquo;jargons-dumpings&rsquo; move isn&rsquo;t new for the second pair.</strong></p> <p>Spokespersons for Prabowo-Gibran frequently discuss how AI will dominate IKN, and all these empty claims relate to technological advancements.</p> <p>Tossing around terms is easy, but let&rsquo;s face reality:&nbsp;<strong>Indonesia&rsquo;s digital literacy levels are still significantly low.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: VP candidates