All the Ways To Lose Your Right to Vote in America

<p>The right to vote is mentioned five times in the U.S. Constitution. The right to own guns and to free speech, just once each. And yet it is one of the easiest of our rights to lose, so much easier than those other inalienable rights &mdash; to post hate speech, say, or to buy a semi-automatic weapon.</p> <p>America, for all its talk about dictatorships and election integrity overseas, remains&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">one of the harshest nations in the world</a>&nbsp;when it comes to disenfranchising its own citizens. But each election season, it becomes clear that not many people in the U.S., even its critics, really grasp the scale of electoral suppression in this country. There&rsquo;s a general awareness of gerrymandering as a problem. A lot of folks could at least guess, correctly, that anyone currently serving time for a felony lost their right to vote when they got convicted. But gerrymandering and incarceration are only a couple of ways to get stripped of your vote in this country.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vote America