Experiences in Visual Thinking Revisited
<p>How can we use visual thinking to get into a healthy mindset and be creative when we want to solve a problem? To make the concept of visual thinking tangible and explore how we can develop it I dove into the book ‘Experiences in visual thinking’ by Robert H. McKim (Stanford University, 2nd edition published in 1980). A pleasant and intelligently written book, with many practical exercises. Here I sketch the points that struck me in a visual summary of the book. Elaborated with recent insights and my own notions.</p>
<p>Here you can read an <a href="https://kimsvandenberg.medium.com/how-to-generate-ideas-by-drawing-visual-thinking-with-a-stanford-professor-43ba600b7f3" rel="noopener">article on how to implement McKim’s insights.</a></p>
<p>The key point is that visual thinking consists of three elements: Seeing, Imagining and Drawing — which reinforce each other and each have their own line of training and development. The basis for effective visual thinking boils down to a focused state of attention.</p>
<p><a href="https://kimsvandenberg.medium.com/experiences-in-visual-thinking-revisited-6bf558f6055a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>