The Visitor Pattern in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

<p>The Visitor Pattern is a behavioural design pattern that allows you to add further operations to objects without having to modify them. It is particularly useful when you have a complex structure of objects with different types and want to perform various operations on them without introducing changes to their classes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Visitor Pattern in Swift, its usage, provide a conceptual example, and discuss real-world applications, problem-solving capabilities, pseudocode, applicability, how to implement it, its pros and cons, and its relationships with other design patterns.</p> <h1>What is the Visitor Pattern?</h1> <p>The Visitor Pattern is a behavioural design pattern that enables you to define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. It achieves this by separating the operations from the object structure. This pattern is particularly useful when you need to perform various operations on a complex object structure without modifying the classes of those objects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>