My History Lesson While Visiting Crimea…

<p>It was May of 1997, and I was about to leave my job with Deloitte and Touche as an auditor in Kyiv and return home to the United States. Finally, an American friend from home, Kirsten, was coming for a visit. We planned for her to fly into Kyiv, spend a few days there, and then travel with me to L&rsquo;viv for work. While I was working, she would see the sites. We would then return to Kyiv and take a flight from Kyiv to Simferopol and stay in Yalta, Crimea for a long weekend.</p> <p>Ukraine in the 1990s still had a significant amount of petty bribery. When my family had visited the Autumn before, my brother had been taken aside at the airport by security to obtain a bribe. Ukrainian security and police were renowned for stopping foreigners, checking passports, and asking for payment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>