Why Millions are Choosing Virtual Residency

<p>As a kid, I remember being engrossed in my pixelated GameBoy, convinced I was journeying alongside Ash Ketchum in the Pok&eacute;mon. Fast-forward a couple of decades, and the lines between reality and virtuality have blurred even further. The pixelated Pok&eacute;mon adventures have transformed into expansive, hyper-realistic digital universes where people aren&rsquo;t just playing &mdash; they&rsquo;re&nbsp;<em>living</em>. This digital transition is what many are calling &ldquo;The Great Meta Migration.&rdquo; And as it turns out, I&rsquo;m one of the migrants.</p> <p>As I tap into my VR headset and log into my virtual abode, I&rsquo;m greeted by my digital pet &mdash; a vibrant phoenix that wouldn&rsquo;t exist in the biological confines of our Earth. My neighbors include an AI barista who makes the perfect cup of digital coffee and a close friend from Australia whom I&rsquo;ve never met. This is my digital reality &mdash; a choice I have made with millions. But what&rsquo;s compelling this massive shift to virtual residency?</p> <p>In the Metaverse, gravity is just a suggestion. Water can flow upwards, mountains can float, and unicorns are real. For creative souls, the digital domain offers an unbridled platform. Artists who once felt constrained by the physical canvas are now creating art in 4D. Architects are building structures that defy physics.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/why-millions-are-choosing-virtual-residency-356e2c447ff7"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>