Virtual Museums: A Journey Beyond Digital Exhibitions

<p>In the early stages, a virtual museum was often perceived as a mere online catalog or a repository of digital records. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, it is defined as &ldquo;a collection of digital records, images, texts, audio files, and other historical, scientific, or culturally significant data accessed through electronic media.&rdquo; However, this definition raises questions about the criteria for a platform to be considered a virtual museum.</p> <p><em>Pierre L&eacute;vy&nbsp;</em>challenges the common notion of virtual museums, labeling them as inadequate internet catalogs. He emphasizes the need to reevaluate the very concept of a museum in the face of a cyberspace where distinctions between original and copy blur. This sparks a crucial discussion among experts on redefining the value and conservation of heritage within the virtual realm.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>