Happy Vijayadashmi

<p>I am not all in for the Good over Evil theme as I find it polarising. If people fall in the dangerous trap of believing they are good, they fail to get the complexity of human nature. Consciousness is all encompassing. We are beings with shades of grey. We can be evil too, even if it isn&rsquo;t born out of conscious intent.</p> <p>As a kid, I was all in for &lsquo;Good over Evil&rsquo;. Ram was good and Ravana was bad. Period. There was no room for argument or a different perspective. Life was Black and White.</p> <p>As I grew up, like most other people, I began to understand the fragility of human psychology; and the human mind.</p> <p>We are constantly moving between black and white, living in shades of grey.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@winniebajaria/happy-vijayadashmi-9235e280b281"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>