How Artificial Intelligence/Tesla will change the way young people VIEW Trucking

<p>When young children are asked what they want to be when they grow up, the typical responses are doctor, firefighter, nurse, teacher &mdash; all very well-known, respected professions. Children are often encouraged to pursue these types of careers. Occasionally, a young person interested in trucks might aspire to be a truck driver. However, this isn&rsquo;t typically a profession children are encouraged to pursue by their parents. Truck drivers face long lonely hours on the road away from family and friends, and most parents aren&rsquo;t fond of sending their son or daughter off to be a truck driver. As a result, the trucking industry has suffered a run of poor fill rates, leaving the industry 170,000 trucking employees short.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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