Is this the only banh for mi? A review of Luke’s Vietnamese Bakery

<p>Why hello there, and welcome back to the Camouflaged Critic. If you happened to read my&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">intro</a>&nbsp;you&rsquo;ll know that I am an anonymous restaurant critic whose pen name is CC/Cece. I have made it my mission to intertwine my love of food and writing into a career, where I hope to share a bit of the joy that good food brings me, and pass it onto you.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m a firm believer that food is so much more than nutrition. It is a way in which we connect with the people around us and learn more about who we are as a society. This week I will be reviewing the Vietnamese bakery taking Melbourne by storm, affectionately known as:&nbsp;Luke&rsquo;s.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>