Street Art, Graffiti or Public Defacement? — Vienna Edition

<p>I have to start by apologising &mdash; I should have taken a lot more photos. The street art scene in Vienna is vibrant and well alive. The many underpasses of bridges that lie over the Donaukanal are home to some of the most creative and peculiar pieces that I have seen. Before I share with you my favourites, I ask: how do you view these works of art? Are they street art, graffiti or public defacement?</p> <p>&lsquo;&lsquo;The Geisha&rsquo;&rsquo; &mdash; Named by me, not the actual name. When I first came across this piece, I got a spiritual sense and a strong feeling of balance. The calm face of the figure I found intriguing; there is a soullessness to it, almost as thought the perfect balance of life leads to no emotion. Maybe that is why life is never balanced. I particularly note the checking of the pulse in the lower half of this piece. To me, it is a reminder that we must remember we are alive, and for as long as that is true, we must smile. In particular, I like the clarity in the art; it&rsquo;s simplicity in the few colours used impresses me more. Be sure to check out the artists Instagram @tho_b.n.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vienna Edition