Why You Should Stop Accusing Black People of Having a Victim Mentality

<p>One of the most common tropes about Black Americans is that they have a &quot;victim mentality.&quot; Of course, this phrase usually arises as a snarky response to a Black person speaking about the injustices they&#39;ve endured, a way of silencing them, belittling, or minimizing their experience. No one wants to be accused of having a victim mentality, blaming others, and never taking accountability for their actions, which is why this trope is such an effective tool in the racists&#39; toolkit. This response is designed to make someone question themselves and shy away from the discussion.&nbsp;However, this trope that suggests Black people have a victim mentality is a vicious lie repeated to obfuscate America&#39;s racial hierarchy and the racist policies and beliefs that keep it afloat.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/afrosapiophile/why-you-should-stop-accusing-black-people-of-having-a-victim-mentality-00045edb4cc0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>