Victim Impact Statement

<p><em>What fresh Hell is this?&nbsp;</em>I wonder as I am sorting through the mail I&rsquo;ve collected from its dedicated box to the left of my driveway. One envelope is not like the others, handwritten with a recognizable address from a nearby town in my county and addressed specifically to me. I&rsquo;m usually happy when the envelope indicates that it contains anything that isn&rsquo;t another bill for me to scrape together before its shutoff date- but not this time. I know that this has come from the courthouse and contains something I probably am not going to want to deal with. I am not wrong. Not this time, at least.</p> <p>The old me would have agonized over opening this letter. She would have carried it back in without tearing it open and viewing its contents. She would then set it somewhere she could never accidentally glimpse it or be reminded that yet another task existed out there, waiting for her attention. There it was probably growing ever direr the longer it was ignored, until the problem ignoring it created was so much larger than the original issue she began to have full-out anxiety attacks. Eventually, she would completely pack it away in a box labeled FUBAR and shove it as far into her mental attic as it would go.</p> <p>The new me, while still agonizing over opening the letter, made herself tear it open and pull it out before reaching the back door to reenter the house. The Devil You Know is better than the one you don&rsquo;t. I have spent many years learning and relearning this lesson, time after time. However, I am surprised by the contents of this letter, and I am not sure what to feel. I place the letter back inside the envelope and tuck it away in a notebook that I leave in my laptop backpack for taking notes and making lists.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>