Why It Took Vermeer 191 Years To Get Famous

<p>When I teach my Art History survey, my students are often shocked to hear that an artist like Johannes Vermeer wasn&rsquo;t especially famous during his lifetime. Even if they don&rsquo;t know his name, most of them have seen Vermeer&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Girl with a Pearl Earring</em>&nbsp;before. It&rsquo;s been called the Dutch&nbsp;<em>Mona Lisa</em>, it&rsquo;s the basis for the famous Tracy Chevalier novel (and subsequent movie adaptation starring Scarlet Johansson and Colin Firth), and it has prompted endless riffs and memes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@marginaliant/why-it-took-vermeer-191-years-to-get-famous-a52bf4fc4ad6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vermeer