Value Your Password

<p>Ever have trouble remembering all your pin numbers and passwords?</p> <p>Well, imagine if you were the guy that forgot the password to an account that held $220m?</p> <p>That&#39;s what has happened to a San Fransisco man who wrote the password of his bitcoin account&nbsp;on a piece of paper. Oh yeah - you guessed it - he lost the piece of paper. And the crazy part? He only has 2 attempts at getting the password correct before the account permanently shuts down.</p> <p>In life, sometimes it can feel like we are nervously at the extent of using all of our chances.</p> <p>We ask or tell ourselves.&nbsp;&quot;What if I make another mistake?&quot; &quot;What if it&#39;s yet another failure?&quot; &quot;I just don&#39;t think I can handle another let down&quot;.</p> <p>But we must remember, there are no limits to the number of chances we get with God. In fact in the scripture, Joel 2 tell us that we can always return to God, that He is slow to anger, gracious, and kind.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>