Beyond R&D: AI’s potential to transform the vaccine ecosystem

<p>The impact of AI in healthcare is profound, with estimations suggesting potential annual savings of $150 billion in United States healthcare costs by 2026. While AI&rsquo;s presence in various industries predates recent years, its significance has skyrocketed, garnering widespread attention, with the advent of groundbreaking platforms like ChatGPT. Unlike conventional AI models, ChatGPT, a generative AI platform (gen AI), distinguishes itself by not merely &ldquo;knowing&rdquo; information but by possessing the unique capability to &ldquo;create&rdquo; information. This innovation has spurred increased interest in exploring AI&rsquo;s potential, leading experts to contemplate its applications in the vaccine ecosystem.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>