How to make the best use of your time — Using prioritization to manage time

<p>Of course, how much ever time we have, it&rsquo;ll never feel enough.</p> <p>We&rsquo;ll never really have the time to do EVERYTHING we want to.</p> <p>But once you realise time is limited, you automatically focus on the things that matter.</p> <p>But, what I&rsquo;ve realised is, it&rsquo;s not time that is not allowing us to do everything.</p> <p>The biggest problem is prioritising.</p> <p>No priorities = Lack of clarity = confusion = time wasted.</p> <p>So, how do you prioritise?</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s the 3-step process I use:-</p> <h2>Figure out what&rsquo;s urgent, and what&rsquo;s important.</h2> <p>Imagine doing something very efficiently and thoroughly but it doesn&rsquo;t even need to be done in the first place. The best method to choose what&rsquo;s urgent and important is to use the Eisenhower box. You&rsquo;ll realise most things you need to do will end up in the 4th box.</p> <h2>Clarify</h2> <p>Half of the time, when you need to get something done, you end up procrastinating because you don&rsquo;t know&nbsp;<em>how&nbsp;</em>to do it in the first place. Having a&nbsp;<strong>sequence&nbsp;</strong>of sub-tasks will help you get shit done faster. So, when you plan next time, don&rsquo;t waste time setting deadlines, or simply adding tasks to your list. Instead, have a clear action plan for each task you do.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>