How Interactive Animation Enhances The User Experience

<p>The hardest thing to catch today might not be the fruit fly you see on your window&hellip; It&rsquo;s the human attention span! As we near the mid-21st century, we beings keep finding hundreds of different ways to catch this precious attention. We had newspapers, then televisions, then phones, then mobile phones, then smart watches, oh and I also forgot to add the biggest game changer- PCs and computers!</p> <p>Mankind has evolved to harvest any and all means necessary to entrap this attention! One such player in this game is the recent development of interactive animation, offering a dynamic and immersive way to capture and retain users&rsquo; attention. In this blog, we will explore how interactive animation enhances the user experience and why it should be an integral part of your website design strategy.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>