Citizens would win against the U.S. Military, here’s how

<p>Eric Swalwell, a sitting United States Congressman, wrote an article about gun control, and the forcible confiscation of weapons from American citizenry. This sparked an angry debate, in which Swalwell tweeted that an armed citizenry doesn&rsquo;t stand a chance against a nuclear armed United States Military.</p> <p>The second American Revolution is the fantasy of every gun nut, and the disdain of every pacifist urbanite. Veterans, preppers, and rednecks all couch their need for varying caliber, large capacity, semi-automatic rifles in the need to defend themselves against both a collapsing society, and a tyrannical government. The attempt to confiscate these weapons would itself be the evidence that the government had become too powerful and tyrannical. In the showdown between the world&rsquo;s most powerful military, and the world&rsquo;s most armed citizenry, who would win?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: US Military