The Shit Show in the U.S. House Didn't Have to Happen

<p><strong>But losing the House has turned out to be a very big deal.</strong>&nbsp;Because Democrats lost nine seats last November and gave Republicans a four seat majority, the United States is no longer governable. We watch with dismay while &ldquo;legislation&rdquo; is passed to reduce Pete Buttigieg&rsquo;s salary to a dollar and investigations continue to impeach Joe Biden and expose the weaponization of government, while George Santos&rsquo;s legitimacy as a public official is debated and an unknown election-denying extremist becomes the Speaker. A moment of sanity did prevent an immediate government shutdown, but over ninety far-right Republicans plot retaliatory moves to block future legislation while one also considers how to avenge a physical assault by the former Speaker. Every day is a shit show in the United States House of Representatives, and there is no end to this travesty in sight. (1)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: US House