Small Urban Wildlife Refuge Crucial To Birds’ Survival

<p>Joshua Ream&rsquo;s studies and career has taken him all over the nation, from Pennsylvania and Tennessee to Alaska and now, Hawai&lsquo;i.</p> <p>After enjoying jobs with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a cultural anthropologist, Ream now serves as project leader/wildlife refuge manager at the Service&rsquo;s O&lsquo;ahu/Maui National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Kahuku, Hawai&lsquo;i. We chatted with him about his passion for conservation, the origin of the 50-year-old Pearl Harbor National Wildlife Refuge, the reconstruction of the Betty Nagamine Bliss Memorial Overlook at the Honouliuli Unit and what keeps him excited about his work with the Service.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>