UNLOCKED CASE STUDY: Harvesting energy from urban noise

<p>However,<strong>&nbsp;resource depletion and climate change are now the main reasons to explore alternative energy sources</strong>. Governments, companies, and innovators have been experimenting with alternative energy sources and renewable electricity. Wind turbines, solar energy, hydrogen, biogas, and biofuel have been some of the options.<strong>&nbsp;Some of them may last and are growing, and some of them have been forgotten for their cost and/or their partial effectivity</strong>. In any case,&nbsp;<strong>alternative sources for harvesting energy is one of the main global challenges today</strong>.</p> <p>Reverse engineering, R&amp;D, and innovation are allowing us to discover new alternatives. In recent years, a new one seems to be emerging slowly but steadily:&nbsp;<strong>harvesting energy from the sound</strong>. Entrepreneurs, companies, young innovators, and universities are developing<strong>&nbsp;prototypes that can</strong>&nbsp;<strong>transform noise into electricity capable of powering bulbs</strong>.</p> <p><a href="https://socialmedia-nelis.medium.com/unlocked-case-study-harvesting-energy-from-urban-noise-5b97c5aba74c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Urban Noise