A Critical Look at the White Savior Character in Urban Education

<p>Her identity as a White, middle class woman in authority though creates a film centered on the &ldquo;White Savior&rdquo;. Though just a film, this kind of image impacts real-life race relations in education. Reynolds (2014) said that &ldquo;Films, TV, best-selling novels, and other media are not merely entertainment but texts that teach viewers about things they are not familiar with, lead viewers to expect certain experiences in particular situations, and suggest ways to behave&rdquo; (p. 1). Consequently, we&rsquo;ll argue how this image of a &ldquo;White Savior&rdquo; in the media maintains racism in two ways: 1. Those who identify with Gruwell end up desiring the outcomes of her behavior and learn to implement such practices in their own teaching, and 2. It oversimplifies minorities in a way that upholds institutional racism.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@shannonlwaite/a-critical-look-at-the-white-savior-character-in-urban-education-93ab4a58491a"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>