Copenhagen’s Urban Development is Just Old Wine in New Bottles

<p>This is a time and an age where we are thinking differently about our cities for the first time in a century. Copenhagen is often revered as a benchmark city but hapless politicians with a shocking lack of modern vision merely dazzle with smoke and mirrors. City Hall continues to dust off urban development ideas that date from the 1950&rsquo;s and 1960&rsquo;s. It&rsquo;s all just old car-centric wine in new bottles and none of it tastes good. Don&rsquo;t believe the hype.</p> <p>The political party that has controlled Copenhagen for well over a century &mdash; the Social-Democrats &mdash; have an dark, awkward history of urban development visions and the current Lord Mayor Frank Jensen is seemingly intent on continuing that tradition.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>